Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Sketch and Toon

These stills from a quick render test are the most faithful to the original drawings. I'm going to have a go at really going for a hand drawn feel to the model next but if all else fails i'm pretty pleased to fall back on this...


Blogger Andrew Glazebrook said...

Has a really nice look to this,is this a Toon Shader that's in Cinema 4D or have you wrote one to your own specs ?!

12:07 PM  
Blogger Mark Jobe said...

i made i while wearing some specs... there probably is a better way of doing this but the cel renderer seemed to clever for it's own good and seemed to want to over complicate things. so i just rendered out a thick lined version and a thin lined version. comped the two together so the thick line only shows up around the edges and then dropped a multiplied shadow layer on top which i added a blur and transparency to. thats 20 minutes at gas mark 4 as well

12:12 PM  
Blogger Mark Jobe said...

menat a thick lined version as well as the thin one

12:13 PM  
Blogger Mark Jobe said...

ahhh, can't type today!

12:13 PM  
Blogger Mark Jobe said...


12:13 PM  

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